
By Andrew Cascio

“Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

We all have come across these people. No matter what, anything they say is right. They simply cannot be wrong. Sometimes it may not even be that, it’s just that they speak and are telling you what they think, rather than factual information. They would rather tell you their thoughts, ideas, and opinions than actually learn the facts or listen to someone else who can teach them. Be weary of these people. If you listen to them and heed their advice, they can bring you down with them. They can make a fool out of you as well. Be careful the advice you listen to, be careful the people you seek information from. If you were looking to purchase a stock for investing, you wouldn’t ask someone with no knowledge of the market or investing. No! You would ask someone who does it for a living or pays close attention to how things work, who have studied it. Be aware of these people that give advice when they shouldn’t, who seem to know all there is about everything. If you are being a fool about something, take a step back, listen, and try and find true facts before speaking more on a subject. It’s ok to utter the words I don’t know, or I’m unsure. In either case, pray, seek wisdom, guidance, and discernment. God will show you what you need to know and lead you in the right direction.


Donkey Tasks


Great Job!