Do Not Throw Stones

By Andrew Cascio

“Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
‭‭John‬ ‭8‬:‭7‬ ‭NIV‬‬

A woman was brought to Jesus by the teachers of the law and the Pharisees because she was caught in the act of adultery. According to the law of Moses she should be stoned. Jesus in essence stands in for the woman and says “any of you without sin can cast the first stone.” They all walk away knowing they are all sinners. Jesus steps in for her as a mediator as he steps in for us with God. He stands between us and God as sinners. Because of what Jesus did for us, he went to the cross as the sacrificial lamb, he took on all of our sin so that we could have salvation. As we put our faith and trust in him, as we believe he is the Son of God and he died for our sins, he steps in for us and takes on our sins so we may be saved. Jesus doesn’t tell the woman who sinned “it’s ok, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Instead he says “I don’t condemn you”, he shows her ultimate love, mercy, and grace! He tells her “Go, and sin no more.” In essence he says “I know what you did was wrong, you messed up, I forgive you, now don’t do it again.” There was an angry crowd that was trying to trap Jesus and they used this woman for their own purposes. Jesus steps in and saves her, just like he saved all of us! Remember that today. We have a savior that loves us, that forgives us, that shows mercy and grace to us. We may not deserve it, but he is ALWAYS there for us. No matter where you are at today, maybe you are in a place where you are running away from him because you don’t think you are worthy or that he cares. Turn to him, call out his name, pray, ask for forgiveness, repent of your sins, and allow his grace to be applied to you. Allow his mercy and love to flow over you and let any bad feelings go that you may be holding on to in your heart. Much like Jesus stepped in for this woman, he is there for you too!


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